There are six main components of National Urban Livelihood Mission (NULM) in Ranchi, Jharkhand . There is Employment through Skill Training and Placement (ESTP) component and there is also Self Employment Programme (SEP) component. Under SEP an individual can take up to 2 lakhs personal loan and for group loan it is, Rs 10 lakh which is being provided by banks. They can avail 7 percent subsidy on loan interest. The urban poor can take advantage of this programme. They have to show Below Poverty Line (BPL) card or they have to show an income of Rupees 72000/- annually. There are sixteen skill training providers/agencies in Ranchi and they are given Rupees 15000/- for the training of a youth and they have to give training for approximately 540 hours. They are given Rupees 30/- for an hour of training to a youth. The youth after training is given a RDAT (Regional Directorate of Apprenticeship Training) certification and send for placement by these agencies. There is also a component under NUML which is Support to Urban Street Vendors in which after a survey an I card will be issued to them and a vending zone will be provided.
According to one agency of NULM, there are sixteen agencies in Ranchi.These agencies are training youth between 18 to 35 years. The skill building is done on seventeen trades like textiles and garments, retail service and marketing, production and manufacturing, gems and jewellery, food processing and preservation, Tourism, Hospitality, Travel & Trade, Need Based Skill Development etc. Interested youth are given training for 500 hours then they are send to placement cell. Companies HR come to select them and for those youth who have not been selected they are send to SEP for municipality task force approval. Through SEP they are send to Banks for availing bank loan for business. The target in Ranchi/Jharkhand is to train 40,000 urban poor youth.
According to one agency of NULM, there are sixteen agencies in Ranchi.These agencies are training youth between 18 to 35 years. The skill building is done on seventeen trades like textiles and garments, retail service and marketing, production and manufacturing, gems and jewellery, food processing and preservation, Tourism, Hospitality, Travel & Trade, Need Based Skill Development etc. Interested youth are given training for 500 hours then they are send to placement cell. Companies HR come to select them and for those youth who have not been selected they are send to SEP for municipality task force approval. Through SEP they are send to Banks for availing bank loan for business. The target in Ranchi/Jharkhand is to train 40,000 urban poor youth.
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