Sunday, 13 December 2015

Empowerment of girl child into business and entrepreneurship

Girls can be motivated right from their childhood to become entrepreneurs. They can learn the basics of business right from their childhood.

In their daily routine girl children are making paintings. Some are good, some are o.k. If those paintings could be sold by the child's mom and dad by becoming their marketing managers then in this process the girl child will learn about marketing. When the girl child is buying the toys she is also learning  about the cost/pricing of the toys, their appeal for her - that is why  she is attracted to the toy which may be because of the packaging or may be for having fun with that toy. She can learn in this process about how important packaging is. She may also buy the toys because her parents could afford it. So she also learns about the affordability of the product as one aspect of buying a thing. She also shows or tells her friends about her purchase, how good it is, and how affordable it is and how fun it is to play with it. That is how she is building a brand and can learn about how to build a brand. Her friends also wants to buy those toys so the word of mouth marketing creates a market for those toys and she learns about this marketing strategy. She chooses a toy from a variety of toys available in the market and she chooses the ones that she likes which is more fun to play with and that is affordable. She can learn from there that the customers have a variety to choose from the market and liking is an important part of buying things. It adds value to the product. She learns the marketing potential of a product. Girl children can learn about the tools like pen, pencils, crayons, erasers etc that are used in making a painting that is she can learn about the tools required for the production of paintings. Here she can learn about the production part. The girl child has a gullack/piggy banks at home where she saves her money. She sees her money grow. She learns to deposit money, grow the money and spend the money  that is she learns how to invest money wisely. She makes her financial plans and deals with her piggy bank accordingly. She can be motivated to use her money for her future business. When the child's parents chooses a location to buy the toy products for her she can also learn the advantages of a location from them.

According to a small businessman, this kind of small tips to parents would motivate parents and parents will put efforts in the development of entrepreneurial skills in their children regardless of what in future they may make their career in. 

According to a financial institution, parents and guardians, school teachers and principals can play a role in their motivation towards entrepreneurship. Camps can be put up in rural areas for information and motivation of their interest. Banks can help in motivation in financial schemes.

According to another financial institution, a father who is in agriculture or in service class does not have the courage to take the risk involved in a business. The culture of industry has to be developed and after ten to twelve years only the picture may change. Entrepreneurship has to be in our culture. Industrialization and commercialization of societies is required. Government has to play a major role in this. The confidence has to be built. The government can build a 100 square feet two room parks where initially the skills of entrepreneurship and principals of business could be taught to youth. So that they can start with small risk appetite and from there they can develop to take more risk. Government can start with ten families security. NGOs also have to play a major role.

According to a senior officer of a financial institution, a contract cannot be signed by a minor. There is a programme under which each bank has to adopt a school to give financial literacy training that include skill development, banking, etc. There is also National Urban Livelihood Mission programme. 

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