Sunday, 8 November 2015

Search help

When an entrepreneur first launches his or her website, his or her main concern is to see the website appear on the first search result page and to get the traffic. Google Search Engine Optimization literature and videos, Google help center and Google search Console are a great help to know the website traffic and know how the website is doing online and to get the website on the first page. But when the entrepreneur wants to do other things on the web may be to research with its website etc with its customers then the entrepreneur may not know how to go about this. Google videos and literatures are very helpful tools for small business owners to understand  how to optimize the search presence for their websites and this can help in the greater online presence of their businesses. So with experimentation, entrepreneurs, may possibly understand which is the best place for their websites and may find their websites appearing there  but what about the other areas where one may want their website/blogs to appear. For example, an entrepreneur has been able to make its site appear on children's entertainment app ideas first search result page and if the entrepreneur now wants to do some online marketing research with its website based on its target market or customers like for example teachers or parents or children to understand their reactions to the ideas then the entrepreneur in this case may feel helpless. The entrepreneur may only see its site appearing on the web result pages as before which may be a good place for those visiting the site to see the ideas and to buy, which was the first online target or business goal of the entrepreneur but now the number two goal for the entrepreneur is to find the market reaction to its app ideas online and the main consumers of this app would be now the children, parents, teachers and schools so now the entrepreneurs may need guidance in the form of literature/videos etc from google and other search engines on how to go about it. The goal of business is now to do some kind of market research on the app ideas. 

So if there are some literatures , videos, advanced search tools/tips etc coming out from Google and other search engines then this may really make it easy for small businesses may be to get their website placement where they need it and get the needful done. This may help entrepreneurs in doing business online.

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