Thursday, 10 September 2015

Keywords importance

Entrepreneurs and business owners need clicks on their ads or websites to gain customers.
Google says, "Are you a business owner, online marketer or content creator? You would definitely need to grab people's attention in order to make them click on your ads or even read your content. For that, you will have to first understand what your potential customers or readers are actually searching for. There are billions of searches each day on Google. For a typical query there are thousands if not millions of webpages with helpful information. 

Every search is an expression of people's needs, wants, interests and desires. Imagine how your business would benefit if you could analyse these search terms that are related to your business domain and customise your product to serve the actual needs of your customers.

If you want your website to get traffic from Google or other search engines, you need to make sure that your website contains content created around the right keywords. What this means is that you should be using words that your potential audience is already using while looking for similar products or services online. The best way to discover these keywords, as it was proven by thousands of thriving online businesses, is to use Google's auto suggested keywords as a base to create content for your website. By creating content around these popular keywords you are readily giving great value to your website visitors, in return Google will reward your website with higher rankings which entails traffic increase.

Keyword Tool will help you discover thousands of the new longtail keywords related to the topic that you specify by automatically generating Google's auto suggestions. Keyword Tool generates over 750+ keywords in the language of your choice. You can export the keywords and use them for content creation, search engine optimization, PPC or other marketing activities. Keyword Tool is extremely reliable as it works 99.99% of the time. It's free.

If you are looking for keywords in languages other than English, you will find keyword Tool's features really useful. It allows you to select from 192 Google domains and 83 Google language interfaces to generate keyword suggestions. The generated keywords will be relevant to the country that you are creating your content for".

Tip for entrepreneurs and business owners to try: Each and every word for the title or few words description of the product to market can be a keyword extracted from Google Keyword Tool. Use the most appropriate keyword suggestion for each word. You thus make a new long-tail keyword for your product which may help you compete with your competitors for those keywords because there is a probability that the existing keyword suggestions may already be taken up by your competitors.

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