Sunday, 26 July 2015

How to market handicrafts

 How to market handicrafts

Women entrepreneurs once you have identified the traditional handicraft products and the artisans who will produce these products, you are now ready for production.You have to now collect orders from handicraft buyers to start your production.Write a letter/email to various organizations that you producing traditional handicrafts products like garden umbrella etc. Send photographs of your samples with the price quotes. Look for local handicraft associations which are into encouraging and helping the handicraft artisans and get associated with them. Sell your products to them and also participate in various exhibitions organized by them taking a free space to show case your products. Visit various handicraft exhibitions locally so that you can develop contacts with other artisans of different districts for different products. Visit different state emporiums. Sometimes they take the products on consignment basis that is first the product is sold and then the payment is made. You may get sample orders from many buyers which may be for traditional handicrafts or may be as per the specifications of the buyers. You can visit the embassies to collect the name and addresses of different handicraft buyers for export. Embassies keep a directory of the buyers. When you get orders you place the orders to the artisans for quality goods. You set a date for the delivery of those products. The production starts and you manage the production team for quality products and timely delivery of those handicraft products. The artisans may ask for advance payment to them. Here you can use your own money or take working capital loan from banks. When you get the products from the artisans you go for packing and supply the handicraft products to your buyers making timely delivery. You buy as you require incurring less risks in this business. So handicraft business is a very suitable business for women entrepreneurs.

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